Friday 1 November 2013

Almost Vintage

Well, not really but it feels like it.
I started this dress 3 or maybe even 4 summers ago and never finished it.
I have started each summer season with good intentions.  I would do a little more and then get frustrated/disappointed with it and throw it back in the depths of a cupboard somewhere.
It hasn't been the pattern - it was fine.
I think it was the fabric and maybe the gathers not being it quite the right spot but being too lazy to unpick them and do it again.
And perhaps the fact that it doesn't quite fit like it would have when I started it - something to do with eating vast quantities of cake.
Today it has been finished.
Now it will hang in the wardrobe.
But it is finished.
And I expect in a long hot WA summer it will probably see the light of day and I will wonder why I took so long to finish it.

Do you have protects like this hidden at your place?

1 comment:

  1. I have way too many things unfinished.... this is lovely - I hope you wear it soon.


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