Wednesday 9 February 2011

Bad, bad blog etiquette

No, I'm not on my high horse about to blast someone else for poor behaviour from the pedestal of my blog (something about pot and a kettle comes to mind).

Oh no!!! I'm confessing!
I am the bad blogger.
The rude and insensitive person who never posted their 2010 apron swap!
What!!! Jaw's drop, eye's widen.
"How could she??!! How Rude!!!"
I hear you tut-tutting from here and I'm dropping my head in disgrace.

I meant to. Honest!
I don't know what happened exactly but posting my swap didn't.
So in an attempt to save face and to apologise to Momtaz (who has probably forgotten all about that rude Australian) here is the little apron that she made for me in last year's apron swap.
And she said she doesn't sew and it was her first attempt. Not bad! My girls love all of the bling!
And she also included a cute little brooch that she makes which my girls quite fancy too!

Thanks Momtaz and I'm so sorry for being so very rude and slack and just a basically bad mannered blogger.
I hope you're cooking up a storm in the little pink number that arrived from me.
So to all, I promise I will try my best to be a good girl in the future and remember my manners.

Sincerest apologies and happy blogging

1 comment:

  1. HI Jenny, your little pink number is lovely. Stuff like that happens, ah, good intentions abound- and hooray that it got in the post. I failed to receive a tea towel from someone in a tea towel swap last year, and I still 'owe' Helen a pot holder from a private swap we did- she said she is not stressed about it, but it's still on the list!


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